A while back I pledged to share something — anything — every day in the month of November. I did it. Granted, a few days were kind of lacking where I basically put garbage up, but I’ve enjoyed the process overall and did made a few pieces that I’m really fond of.

There’s also a few things I noticed —

I’ve noticeably lowered the bar of what can or cannot go into the blog, and it’s for the better. I didn’t reach for “perfect” for each and every post. Time didn’t allow that. They were not exactly as lengthy as before (some, are, quite, short), but they’ve done just as a good job to capture whatever that interested me.

It’s also true that I found that some posts did not fully explore the ideas and thoughts. They became itches to scratch in the back of my mind. But, after all, blog is episodic. What ends in one post can very well be picked up by another.

I’ve also grown to like those “untitled” posts. They are like photography, freezing moments in time. They have no commentary, no judgement or childish attempts to “summarize” life. They had no agenda to adhere to.

Last but not least, this website needs improvements. Archive page is bombarded by 30+ posts, almost doubling the count of posts in 2019. The result is a really lengthy and disorienting archive page. Tags are not being used profusely so there’s some work to do with the front end as well as my workflow (which currently involves Drafts 5 on the iPhone and iPad).
