1. There is a mandatory fire inspection at home.
  2. The pipes broke and I have to wait home for the plumber.
  3. I have furnitures delivered to my house.
  4. I didn’t do my laundry. I’d have to show up stinky.
  5. My dog is sick from the mushroom he had from the backyard and he cannot stop drooling.
  6. I’m having a minor cold and would rather stay home than call in sick.
  7. I am sick. I condemn the weather.
  8. I had a food poisoning. I think it’s the truffle clam chowder I got from that place 4 days ago. Please don’t ask details.
  9. My partner is sick.
  10. I just had teeth removed and my cheeks are so swollen I don’t feel like meeting people.
  11. I have a dentist appointment. It should be quick.
  12. It’s Friday. Let me say it again. It’s Fuck-it-Friday.
  13. I work from home on Tuesdays.
  14. It’s Christmas Eve. It doesn’t make sense to take a 1.5-hour commute to work just 3 hours, have lunch, and return home.
  15. I have an interview with another company. Of course I don’t say that and I’ll pick from one of the other 19 reasons.
  16. I need some alone time to do some work without interruptions.
  17. My best friend is getting married. I will go wish the best of him but I can’t guarantee this is his last wedding. And I have more than one best friend, and they are all near the marriage age.
  18. It’s my partner’s graduation. One can only get one Ph.D. in a lifetime. Or two.
  19. My parents are in town. I want to take them to places.
  20. I got to the office only to find out that I forgot my laptop at home.